In Issues


Children are the future and therefore we should invest in them by providing a robust education to pave the way for productive citizenship, leadership and innovation.

I support the following:

1. providing competitive salaries to teachers. Our wages must meet or exceed the national average because talented teachers make all the difference in a child’s education.

2. ensuring public schools are a 100% free to children and their parents. Many working families struggle to pay the $300 or $400 book and technology fees and this is compounded for families that have more than one child.

3. Ensure every child has access to a social worker. School is a safe haven for many children and many cases of neglect and abuse were caught through the vigilance of school staff. Social workers can increase this shield of protection and also catch and mitigate other problems, such as mental illness, at an early stage in life.

4. Ensuring every school is staffed with an appropriately vetted and trained School Resource Officer and that every school has sufficient safe guards in place to protect children and staff from violence.

5. Extending free public education to include two years of community college or trade school. This will ease the financial burden on many parents who would otherwise be expected to take or cosign loans for their child’s higher education by effectively paying for the entirety of an associate degree and consequently covering half the cost of a bachelor’s degree.